When Josuke was developing his Stand and became ill (much like his half-sister, Holy Kujo), she drove through a blizzard to take him to the hospital, though this resulted in the car being lodged in the snow. The 62-year-old man, however, was married to Suzi Q at the time, and so Tomoko didn't tell him that she was pregnant with his illegitimate child, Josuke, of which Joseph had knowledge of only when the boy was 16. Sometime before the events of Part 3, she had a relationship with Joseph Joestar while still in college. When afraid, Tomoko tends to swallow her own saliva. She is fond of a particular sponge cake from Kamakura. She can also be strict with Josuke, as she froze his account when she found out he earned 1.66 million from a shared 5 million with Okuyasu and Shigechi, understanding that Josuke would spend it all if she didn't, and began saving it for his college funds. She loves her family dearly, as evidenced by the close relationship she has with her son and had with her late father. It is not known whether she knew he was married during their romance. When Jotaro Kujo visits looking for Josuke, she breaks into tears and hugs him, confusing him for Joseph with whom she remains in love with. Despite her sharp temperament, she is mostly a kind person, particularly to her family and friends. She also seems to be mildly perceptive, noticing that the seal on her milk that Angelo had given her was broken. She is described by many male characters as being overtly attractive.Ī single mother and teacher, Tomoko is known to show a strong temperament, disliking it when guys try to hit on her (as she still loves Joseph) and she gets annoyed quite easily. Though her appearances are few, she has changed her clothes at each time she is seen. She wears dark, straight, roughly neck-length hair with a hairpin. Tomoko is a woman of seemingly average height and slim to medium build.